5 Ekim 2014 Pazar

Song: Incubus - Idiot Box with Lyrics


Essay on Pros and Cons of Television

Many of us love watching TV especially during our free time and if we don't have anything to do. We like watching TV while eating our favorite snacks or hanging around in a friend's place. Either way we are entertained when we watch TV. There are many different programs we can watch on TV depending on our mood and our personality. Some love watching comedy and talk shows while others particularly kids and those who are young at heart love watching cartoons on Cartoon Network or Disney channel.

But then, watching TV has its advantages and disadvantages. Experts say that too much watching of TV especially among children is not good for the health and the mind. TV can be entertaining and informative yet at times it can be damaging and harmful.

Below are the Pros and Cons of watching TV.


1.) Entertainment and Laughter 
We are entertained by shows we love to watch. We laugh at things we find funny and comical in the TV program we are watching. We also love to dance or sing along with celebrities we see on TV and some of us even copy their dance moves and singing styles.

2.) Information and How-To 
We learn a lot of information about places and people that we usually don't learn on magazines, books and newspapers. There are travel shows that show us beautiful places in the world and inform us the culture of different countries which can be a great help especially if we are planning to travel. We also easily learn how to cook new recipes by watching cooking shows and we can learn doing some other stuff through programs that show step-by-step procedures of performing a particular work, exercise or other interesting stuff.

3.) Improve Memory and Easy Learning 
We usually take note of the time schedule for our favorite programs especially if it is only shown once or twice a week. We tend to store and recall the things that recently happened in our favorite show before the next episode will be shown on TV. This will help enhance our memory which we can apply on our daily life. For children, it is easier to learn math, science, alphabet and other subject matters if someone can show them how to do it like counting, identifying objects and a lot more. Educational TV shows are available for children to watch and learn.

4.) Bonding With Family and Friends 
Watching TV is a great way to bond with family and friends especially on weekends. You can laugh and discuss things that you see on TV. That can be really fun.

5.) Awareness and Alertness 
Weather reports and current news on different parts of the worlds can make you aware of what is happening outside your country. You can also be alert when there is an incoming typhoon in your area and that can help you get prepared.


1.) Decline in creativity and imagination. 
TV shows including commercials have tendency to share their creative works on us and impart their ideas and opinions on us which is not favorable and can lead to a decline in our creativity and imagination since we can not think on our own since creative stuff are readily available and shared to us.

2.) Health problems 
We usually eat junk foods or any of our favorite snacks while watching TV. This is not good for our health because we tend to eat a lot while we are sitting down facing the television. This can lead to obesity since we don't move a lot when we watch TV. This can also lead to other serious ailments caused by eating a lot and moving less.

3.) Makes people lazy 
Most of us get hooked when watching programs of our favorite TV channel. We sometimes even forget to do our work or other important things because we got engaged in the show we are watching. Some people forget to do their household chores because they would rather watch TV than work.

4.) Some shows don't teach good values. 
There are TV programs that do not teach good values particularly to children. Instead of teaching them good deeds they even imitate, re-enact or spoof important things happening around us which is not good for children to watch.

To sum up, in watching TV you should choose and monitor the TV programs that you and your children should watch. Choose programs that can help you learn and grow as a person. You should also limit the time your children spend in watching TV. The maximum number of hours small kids should watch TV is 3 hours while for teenagers you should make sure they watch good shows only when they are done with homework and projects.


Vocabulary Exercise

Click here to take an interactive vocabulary exercise on the keywords mentioned before.

Vocabulary - Keywords

Original link

A. = Adjective   ADV. = Adverb   IDM. = Idiom   N. = Noun   V. = Verb
a commercial N. an advertisement on TV
a couch potato N. a lazy person who sits around all day watching TV
a documentary N. an educational TV program or movie usually describing nature or history
a drama N. a serious TV program, movie or play that involves all the emotions 
to kick back V. to sit in a big comfortable chair or lie on a couch and relax
nope this is an informal way of saying "no"
prime-time A. between 8:00 PM and 11:00 PM every night
This expression is used when referring to the television schedule.
prime time
N. the time between 8:00 PM and 11:00 PM every night 
The most popular shows are shown during prime time.
a sitcom N. a half-hour comedy show
trials and tribulations N. problems and difficulties of life
trivia N. unimportant or useless information

Listening Exercise - Is TV a Good Thing or a Bad Thing?

Click to listen


Cons of TV - Exercise

A new study, conducted in the UK by The Eyecare Trust and the pharmaceutical company Optrex, has found that British people spend an incredible 128,780 hours stuck in front of a TV or computer screen during their lifetime. Eye health campaigners have warned this can be exceedingly detrimental to vision and general health. The situation is somewhat exacerbated by the fact that most people are unaware that their eyesight is being damaged by staring at TV screens or computer monitors. There are quite often no telltale warning signs, beyond the occasional eyestrain or headache, that something more serious might be happening. Even worse, says the study, is the fact that ten percent of adults have never had an eye test.

The study found that adult couch potatoes were glued to the TV for 30.5 hours a week, while workaholics spent 35 hours focusing on their computer monitors. Sixty-three percent of computer users complained about “terrible headaches” or migraines upon leaving work, while 53 percent suffered from tired or strained eyes. Thirty percent of those questioned in the study said they regularly put up with dry, irritated and watery eyes. Twenty percent confessed to having imperfections with their eyesight but not doing anything about it. Iain Anderson, chairman of the Eyecare Trust, said: “It’s vital that computer users…follow a healthy eyecare regime. Screen fatigue - sore, itchy, irritated eyes or temporary blurring of your vision - affects up to 90 percent of VDU users.”


1. WORD SEARCH: Look in your dictionaries / computer to find collocates, other meanings, information, synonyms … for the words ‘eye’ and ‘strain’.
  • Share your findings with your partners.
  • Make questions using the words you found.
  • Ask your partner / group your questions.
2. ARTICLE QUESTIONS: Look back at the article and write down some questions you would like to ask the class about the text.
  • Share your questions with other classmates / groups.
  • Ask your partner / group your questions.
3. GAP FILL: In pairs / groups, compare your answers to this exercise. Check your answers. Talk about the words from the gap fill. Were they new, interesting, worth learning…?
4. VOCABULARY: Circle any words you do not understand. In groups, pool unknown words and use dictionaries to find their meanings.
5. STUDENT “EYES” SURVEY: In pairs / groups, write down questions about eyes, TV and computers.
  • Ask other classmates your questions and note down their answers.
  • Go back to your original partner / group and compare your findings.
  • Make mini-presentations to other groups on your findings.
6. TEST EACH OTHER: Look at the words below. With your partner, try to recall exactly how these were used in the text:
  • conducted
  • incredible
  • detrimental
  • unaware
  • telltale
  • eye test
  • potatoes
  • migraines
  • put up with
  • imperfections
  • regime
  • blurring


"No matter how bad television seems, it could be worse. And will be."

-Norman Solomon